Skill Yourself for a Memorable Travel

Traveling is a passion for many and for few it is life. People have been traveling for ages immemorable. sometimes the travel was spiritual, the other time it was emotional or yet other time it was a sojourn of self-actualization. Whatever the reason be People have been traveling and relishing the tranquility of travel for self and fellow travelers.

Every Journey a traveler takes has requisite planning. This planning is nothing to do with the destination. The planning is more towards the uncharted route the traveler took or plans to take.

For years we made ourselves informed on things which made an existential necessity. Skilling self or Informing self on things required for traveling (which otherwise would had been unnecessary) cannot be ignored at all.

Travelers innovated tools, they innovated clothes, they learned to put a tent, they skilled themselves to survive in harshest of climates, they enabled learning and unlearning process in their journey. So you see skilling for a traveler has always been a continuous learning process. Many a time a traveler learn things unknowingly and other time it emerges out of necessity.

In todays advanced digital era, humanity continues to learn and unlearn for the travel he plans, or he takes. Tent may have replaced camps, fixing axle of horse cart may have replaced with fixing tires of a motorcycle, unlearning confidence of treacherous route may have become learning to adapt challenging environment. So, you see, skilling, learning or unlearning process even exist in today’s era.

Now, what skill to take is something that has to be decided by the traveler himself. We at assess the skill gap and correlate it with a traveler’s insights and through an AI-based analysis predict the Skillset that he can learn through.

Though we can Just identify the skill that suits the individual personality. The traveler can learn the skill set based on his convenience.

On our initial analysis we found three critical skill set an individual can learn and enhance before he sets into his traveling shoes. One of them we found is Photography. Every traveler is keen to capture his journey in beautiful way to cherish the memories at later stage. Many people feel they lack a good photography know how or knowledge. You may check Photochacha to enhance your photography skill.

Then there was another group of people who wanted to learn more about DIY on the vehicle they take for a long journey. A skill which many though are of imminent necessity when you are a sole journey. People want to learn skills as small as fixing puncture of their vehicle to as complex as understanding the Engine Management process. People want to understand more about the best bikes or vehicle to select. You may read Jerry Adithya to know more. 

The third group of travelers wanted to learn the basics of hiking and camping. India have recently seen an upsurge in people hiking and travelling to remote destinations. A simple trick like putting a 2 men tent become challenging task without any prior knowledge.

Apart from the three key areas where we could find people require skilling to make their journey memorable, people also talked about instances like not able to promote their journey, lack of basic digital marketing skill. Few also came up with requirement like improving interpersonal skill to communicate better with the locals where they travel and many such insights.

We at Routeatour seek to change this and enable people to be skilled with the information or training they seek.

In case the reader reading this article has his or her enterprise and wishes to enable Executive coaching may click the link and explore more on executive coaching for enhancing the traveling culture among their employees. It is said a well-travelled individual has better productivity than one who do not travel at all. 

Disclaimer:- We are just a travel consulting company and do not provide any booking services. We research, analyse and based on the analysis recommend the best locations that can help you discover yourself when you travel next. We also do the skill gap analysis and recommend the skill which will help you in making your journey memorable. You may get in touch with us at to explore the unknown locations from different parts of India. We would love to help you with building your soul-satisfying journey when you plan next.

Travel Consulting

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